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Cénou is Back in Newport, RI!

Trip from West Palm to Newport, RI

The trip north was slow, with a couple of retreats as the weather was not all that conducive to get around Cape Hatteras. When we did pull the lever to round Hatteras we flew. Top speed in the middle of the night was 20.50 on a moonless night. It was overall a very smooth ride that we dialed down as we could not see how much Cénou was getting pressed in the short and steep waves. We were still averaging 11 knots or so with mid teen peaks. Once around things slowed way down as we made our way to Newport

Newport at Last!

Our arrival into Newport was one of those postcard memory ones. Cénou entered the East Passage around 0700 after a long night with winds being light, shifty, dying and coming back. We still managed to clock over eleven knots after our last jibe from Block to the East Passage and before we knew it Cénou was back in Newport Harbor with its fishing boats, mega-yachts and church steeples.

Ready for Charters

Cénou is ready for the charters that are slowly but surely getting booked. We had a day charter yesterday in cloudy, cool and wet conditions. It was the insistence of the guests that we go out, so we did! They were a hardy bunch! Usually Newport offers much better than that weather wise. Having good weather enables more sailing out into the ocean and hanging out at anchor for lunch and swimming for the six hour sails. And for the multiple day sails it makes the miles pass by with good doses of sunbathing as Cénou becomes the perfect platform to explore all that New England water has to offer.

Red Sky in the evening keeps charter guests smiling

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Sail the Blue LLC

270 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI.    

PH: 804-815-1233

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